D&D 5E Monsters
DnD Monsters by CR
The following list contains all of the D&D monsters that are available in the 5e SRD arranged by CR (challenge rating). We’ve also included each creature’s size, their creature type, and any damage types that creature is immune to. Follow the links for detailed creature stat blocks!
Table of Contents:
CR 0
Homunculus (Tiny, Construct, Immune to Poison damage.)
Lemure (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Shrieker (Medium, Plant.)
CR 1/8
Kobold (Small, Humanoid)
Merfolk (Medium, Humanoid)
Stirge (Tiny, Beast)
CR 1/4

Dretch (Small, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Elf, Drow (Medium, Humanoid)
Flying Sword (Small, Construct, Immune to Poison and Psychic damage.)
Goblin (Small, Humanoid) (check our character race guide for Goblin here.)
Grimlock (Medium, Beast)
Pseudodragon (Tiny, Dragon)
Skeleton (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
Sprite (Tiny, Fey)
Steam Mephit (Small, Elemental, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Violet Fungus (Medium, Plant)
Zombie (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
CR 1/2
Cockatrice (Small, Monstrosity)
Darkmantle (Small, Monstrosity)
Dust Mephit (Small, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Gnoll (Medium, Humanoid)
Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (Medium, Humanoid)
Gray Ooze (Medium, Ooze)
Hobgoblin (Medium, Humanoid)
Ice Mephit (Small, Elemental, Immune to Cold and Poison damage.)
Lizardfolk (Medium, Humanoid) (Click this link for the Player Character version of lizardfolk))
Magma Mephit (Small, Elemental, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Magmin (Small, Elemental, Immune to Fire damage.)
Orc (Medium, Humanoid)
Rust Monster (Medium, Monstrosity)
Sahuagin (Medium, Humanoid)
Satyr (Medium, Fey)
Shadow (Medium, Undead, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage.)
Warhorse Skeleton (Large, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
CR 1
Animated Armor (Medium, Construct, Immune to Poison and Psychic damage.)
Brass Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Bugbear (Medium, Humanoid) (PC Bugbear 5e Guide here)
Copper Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Dryad (Medium, Fey)
Duergar (Medium, Humanoid)
Ghoul (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
Harpy (Medium, Monstrosity)
Hippogriff (Large, Monstrosity)
Imp (Tiny, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Quasit (Tiny, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Specter (Medium, Undead, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage.)
CR 2

Ankheg (Large, Monstrosity)
Azer (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Fire and Poison damage, Immune to the Poisoned condition.)
Black Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Bronze Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Centaur (Large, Monstrosity) (Go here for Player Character Race of Centaur)
Ettercap (Medium, Monstrosity)
Gargoyle (Medium, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Gelatinous Cube (Large, Ooze)
Ghast (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
Gibbering Mouther (Medium, Aberration)
Green Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Poison damage.)
Grick (Medium, Monstrosity)
Griffon (Large, Monstrosity)
Merrow (Large, Monstrosity)
Mimic (Medium, Monstrosity, Immune to Acid damage.)
Minotaur Skeleton (Large, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
Ochre Jelly (Large, Ooze, Immune to Lightning and Slashing damage.)
Ogre (Large, Giant)
Ogre Zombie (Large, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
Pegasus (Large, Celestial)
Plesiosaurus (Large, Beast)
Rug of Smothering (Large, Construct, Immune to Poison and Psychic damage.)
Sea Hag (Medium, Fey)
Silver Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
Wererat (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.)
White Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
Will-o'-Wisp (Tiny, Undead, Immune to Lightning and Poison damage.)
CR 3
Basilisk (Medium, Monstrosity)
Bearded Devil (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Blue Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Doppelganger (Medium, Monstrosity)
Gold Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Green Hag (Medium, Fey)
Hell Hound (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire damage.)
Manticore (Large, Monstrosity)
Minotaur (Large, Monstrosity) (Player Character Minotaur 5e guide here)
Mummy (Medium, Undead, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage.)
Nightmare (Large, Fiend, Immune to Fire damage.)
Owlbear (Large, Monstrosity)
Werewolf (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.)
Wight (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage.)
CR 4
Black Pudding (Large, Ooze, Immune to Acid, Cold, Lightning, and Slashing damage.)
Chuul (Large, Aberrations, Immune to Poison damage.)
Couatl (Medium, Celestial, Immune to Psychic damage and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
Ettin (Large, Giant)
Ghost (Medium, Undead, Immune to Cold, Necrotic, and Poison damage.)
Lamia (Large, Monstrosity)
Red Dragon Wyrmling (Medium, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.) (Check out our Red Dragon 5e BBEG guide here)
Succubus/Incubus (Medium, Fiend)
Wereboar (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.)
Weretiger (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.)
CR 5

Air Elemental (Large, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Barbed Devil (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Bulette (Large, Monstrosity)
Earth Elemental (Large, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Fire Elemental (Large, Elemental, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Flesh Golem (Medium, Construct, Immune to Lightning and Poison damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine.)
Gorgon (Large, Monstrosity)
Half-Red-Dragon-Veteran (Medium, Humanoid)
Hill Giant (Huge, Giant)
Night Hag (Medium, Fiend)
Otyugh (Large, Aberration)
Roper (Large, Monstrosity)
Salamander (Large, Elemental, Immune to Fire damage.)
Shambling Mound (Large, Plant, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Triceratops (Huge, Beast)
Troll (Large, Giant)
Unicorn (Large, Celestial, Immune to Poison damage.)
Vampire Spawn (Medium, Undead)
Water Elemental (Large, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Werebear (Medium, Humanoid, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons.)
Wraith (Medium, Undead, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage.)
Xorn (Medium, Elemental)
CR 6
Chimera (Large, Monstrosity)
Drider (Large, Monstrosity)
Invisible Stalker (Medium, Elemental, Immune to Poison damage.)
Medusa (Medium, Monstrosity)
Vrock (Large, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Wyvern (Large, Dragon)
Young Brass Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Young White Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
CR 7
Oni (Large, Giant)
Shield Guardian (Large, Construct, Immune to Poison damage.)
Stone Giant (Huge, Giant)
Young Black Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Young Copper Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
CR 8
Chain Devil (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Cloaker (Large, Aberration)
Frost Giant (Huge, Giant, Immune to Cold damage.)
Hezrou (Large, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Hydra (Huge, Monstrosity)
Spirit Naga (Large, Monstrosity, Immune to Poison damage.)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Huge, Beast)
Young Bronze Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Young Green Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Poison damage.)
CR 9
Bone Devil (Large, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Clay Golem (Large, Construct, Immune to Acid, Poison, and Psychic damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine.)
Cloud Giant (Huge, Giant)
Fire Giant (Huge, Giant, Immune to Fire damage.)
Glabrezu (Large, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Treant (Huge, Plant)
Young Blue Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Young Silver Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
CR 10
Aboleth (full BBEG write up of the aboleth)(Large, Aberration)
Deva (Medium, Celestial)
Guardian Naga (Large, Monstrosity, Immune to Poison damage.)
Stone Golem (Large, Construct, Immune to Poison and Psychic damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine.)
Young Gold Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Young Red Dragon (Large, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
CR 11
Behir (Huge, Monstrosity, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Djinni (Large, Elemental, Immune to Lightning and Thunder damage.)
Efreeti (Large, Elemental, Immune to Fire damage.)
Gynosphinx (Large, Monstrosity, Immune to Psychic damage.)
Horned Devil (Large, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
Remorhaz (Huge, Monstrosity, Immune to Cold and Fire damage.)
Roc (Gargantuan, Monstrosity)
CR 12
Erinyes (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
CR 13
Adult Brass Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Adult White Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
Nalfeshnee (Large, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Rakshasa (Medium, Fiend, Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
Storm Giant (Huge, Giant, Immune to Lightning and Thunder damage.)
Vampire (Medium, Undead)
CR 14
Adult Black Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Adult Copper Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Ice Devil (Large, Fiend, Immune to Cold, Fire, and Poison damage.)
CR 15
Adult Bronze Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Adult Green Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Poison damage.)
Mummy Lord (Medium, Undead, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
Purple Worm (Gargantuan, Monstrosity)
CR 16
Adult Blue Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Adult Silver Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
Iron Golem (Large, Construct, Immune to Fire, Poison, and Psychic damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine.)
Marilith (Large, Fiend, Immune to Poison damage.)
Planetar (Large, Celestial)
CR 17
Adult Gold Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Adult Red Dragon (Huge, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Androsphinx (Large, Monstrosity, Immune to Psychic damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
Dragon Turtle (Gargantuan, Dragon)
CR 19
Balor (Huge, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
CR 20
Ancient Brass Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Ancient White Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Cold damage.)
Pit Fiend (Large, Fiend, Immune to Fire and Poison damage.)
CR 21
Ancient Black Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Ancient Copper Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Lich (Medium, Undead, Immune to Poison damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
Solar (Large, Celestial, Immune to Necrotic and Poison damage.)
CR 22
Ancient Bronze Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Ancient Green Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Poison damage.)
CR 23
Ancient Blue Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Lightning damage.)
Ancient Silver Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Acid damage.)
Kraken (Gargantuan, Monstrosity, Immune to Lightning damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.)
CR 24
Ancient Gold Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
Ancient Red Dragon (Gargantuan, Dragon, Immune to Fire damage.)
CR 30
Tarrasque (Gargantuan, Monstrosity, Immune to Fire and Poison damage, and Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.) Check out our blog post for running the Tarrasque in 5e
👉 Check Out Volo's Guide to Monsters HERE
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Last updated: January 27, 2019
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