Mordenkein’s Monsters of the Multiverse Review
Read nowNext Best Thing or The Old Stuff Repackaged? Mordenkein’s Monsters of the Multiverse is the next big rules supplement book for 5e D&D containing nearly 250 pages worth of monsters and the newly updated fantastical races. But is this really...
Cavalier 5e Guide
Read nowHi-Ho Silver, AWAY! Do you want to ride into battle, your mighty steed rearing and your coat of arms flying as you steady your lance for an epic charge? Cavaliers are the mounted fighters of 5e Dungeons & Dragons, excelling...
Owlin 5e Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
Read nowReal Head-Turners Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos introduced us to the owlin, humanoid owl-folk who while technically unique to Strixhaven can easily fit into any number of fantasy settings. With plenty of real-world owls to base your character on, this new...