12 Pack Counters for - CCG Six White Plus One (+1) to Plus Six (+1) and Six Black Minus One (-1) to Minus Six (-6 )Counters
Having trouble keeping track of game stats while playing CCGs or other Collectible Card Games?
CCGs and other collectible card games are a lot of fun when you are in the throes of feverish gameplay. Many things happen and the status of the game - and your cards can change quickly.
Keeping track of the “mana” you have in your pool when casting spells and other game stats can get pretty challenging if you are using a pencil and paper; you forget a certain detail, a power shift, a levelling up or down of weapons etc. Using coins as counters can work too but can get complicated and might take up too much space. It gets hard to track and worse, you lose focus on the game.
Make your next CCG session fun and stress free by using SkullSplitter’s Dice Counters especially made for all collectible card games.
This set of 6 beautifully crafted white and black polyresin dice counters will allow you to focus on your strategy and the game since they will make it easier for you to keep track of all your game stats and creature powers etc. Simply turn the dice and choose between +1/+1 to +6/+6 or -1/-1 to -6/-6 and place on your card.
They are slightly larger than regular dice, which makes it easier for you to monitor your progress with just a glance. Those you are playing with won’t have to lean over the gaming table so much since they’ll be able to see it just as well. Acquiring this set is even considered as a step up in gaming vs. using coins or anything else you have on hand.
Once you’ve finished your game, save and store your dice counters in their velvet carrying case so they don’t get lost. Enjoy playing with these game-worthy dice counters!
Here’s what’s included in every set:
✅ 6 pcs. 16mm. Polyresin counter plus dice +1/+1 to +6/+6 dice counters
✅ 6 pcs. 16mm. Polyresin minus dice -1/-1 to -6/-6 dice counters
✅ Small Velvet bag for carrying in between games
✅ Awesome SkullSplitter Dice Logo Sticker